Smartphones are the inseparable part of our lifestyle. Statistica predicts the population of smartphone users to exceed around 3.5 billion by 2020 end. According to the Digital Statshot 2020 report, the world has more online devices than the actual number of human beings.

Most of the people’s lives depend on smartphone apps to make their lives easier, be it connecting to friends, waking up, or sending emails.

These days, you can’t deliver anything less than perfect to the users due to increasing competition. You should rely on mobile app development companies in India which excel in UX design. Here are some of the common mistakes you should avoid –

  1. Not ensuring compatibility

An app always needs compatibility with other apps to work smoothly. A smartphone has loads of features and apps. For example, a new Coronavirus contact tracing app, Aarogya Setu needs Bluetooth and Location services for your smartphone to work properly. Similarly, other apps have to work seamlessly with other features and apps.

  • Not giving attention to interface

Pick any of the popular apps today, you will find a very simple interface. Today’s customers want solutions that work quickly and smoothly. They just keep those apps that provide what they are looking for. Rethink your features and find out whether those features are important. Can you redesign it in a better way?

  • Annoying Push Notifications

An average user receives up to 46 push notifications in a day, and 31% of users find them useless. Would you like keeping an app on your phone which sends so many notifications? Don’t spam your users’ smartphones by sending notifications. But it doesn’t mean you should get your app being lost among other apps. Notify the users about important updates.

Bottom Line

Avoid these common mistakes related to UX design. Choose the best mobile app development company in India with experienced developers. Make sure their developers get the job done flawlessly.

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